Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A very interesting comment on the "literate sex ratio, 2011 census of India", Sepia Mutiny


Came across a very interesting post comparing male vs female literacy across the different states of India based on the census data. Log conversion of the literacy rates between men and women shows a very interesting pattern where you see the states of Meghalaya and Rajasthan standing out. The author provides a very interesting explanation for the situation with Meghalaya that it is a matrilineal system and that may account for a higher position of the female (a very special position of the youngest daughter in the family, read the post, it's really interesting). I think by the same token one might explain what's going on in an extremely paternalistic social structure in Rajasthan (I do not know, is that true?)

The other point is of course crowding at the high female literacy rate and fairly equitable educational attainment distribution (the lower right quadrant of the graph) of the tribal states in the country. I feel the curve could have been the other way round. That way the pattern would still remain the same, but the message would have been stronger. That, female literacy rates increase as education distribution becomes more equitable (ie, the ratio approaches 1.0). Oh well.

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